In business you need all kinds of insurance but you don't want to answer lots of questions about insurance you don't need. Here's the answer. Tick the box of the cover you want and only get asked questions about that cover. We keep it simple so you get to the end of the form easy, the quote request is on its way … and we'll be back to you asap with a quote to make you smile. Fire & other specified perils Business Interruption Burglary Money Glass Liability Transit Electronic Computer Breakdown Machinery Breakdown General Property Tax Audit Employee Fraud Motor Vehicles Domestic/Residential Who This Enquiry Is ForFor us to provide the best response to your inquiry please complete the following This inquiry is for an existing business with current insurance This inquiry is for an existing business without insurance This inquiry is for a new business Contact DetailsFirst NameSurnameAddressSuburb / CityPostcodeTelephoneMobileFaxEmail Business DetailsName of the businessDescribe your businessWhat is the required start date of the insurance? DD slash MM slash YYYY Is your business premise address different to your contact address? No Yes Business street addressBusiness suburb / cityBusiness postcodeDoes your business operate from multiple sites? No Yes Age of building in yearsWhat is the roof made of? Tile Steel What are the walls made of? Brickwork Concrete Steel on steel Steel on wood What are the floors made of? Timber Concrete What type of alarm system is installed? Monitored Local None Fire & other specified perilsSum Insured Building $Stock $Contents $Others (please specify}Description$ Business InterruptionIndemnity Period 6 months 12 months Sum Insured Gross Profit $Increased Working Cost $Wages $Rent $Other $Other DescriptionTotal $BurglarySum Insured Contents $Stock $Tobacco $Combined contents / stock $Other $Other DescriptionMoneySum Insured In Transit $On Premises $On premises outside $Business hours $In Safe $Personal custody $Other $Other DescriptionGlassSum Insured Internal or External Internal - Replacement Value External - Replacement Value Signs $LiabilitySum Insured Payout $5 Million $10 Million $20 Million Turnover $Wages Paid $Staff Numbers $Are you the property owner? No Yes Describe tenant's businessDo you import products? No Yes Product 1Country of origin 1Product 2Country of origin 2Country of origin 3Product 3TransitOwn VehiclesMaximum Value per load $Annualised Total Carry $Number of Vehicles #Professional CarriersMaximum Value per load $Annualised Total Carry $Electronic Computer BreakdownDescribe equipment you wish to insureSum Insured $Machinery BreakdownSum Insured RefrigeratorAmount of unitsUnits $Air ConditionerAmount of unitsUnits $OtherAmount of unitsUnits $General PropertyDescribe equipment you wish to insure 'away from your business' (e.g. laptop computers)Sum InsuredTax AuditSum Insured $Employee FraudSum Insured $Motor VehiclesMake and modelYearRegistration NumberMain DriverDate Of Birth DD slash MM slash YYYY The vehicle is garaged No Yes Garage postcodeNCB rating or rating numberUse Business Private Under Finance No Yes Prior to the Insurer accepting any risk they will require information about any claims over the past 5 years where the claims relate to the type of insurances you wish to take out. Please describe those claims:Email A Copy To Me Tick for yes CAPTCHAEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ